A Sustainable Alternative for Marine Decking and Flooring
Floteak is a 100% natural product composed of a mixture of Cork Granules and Rubber which has been compressed into 1 metre wide sheets.
The Sheets are machined with caulking grooves ready for caulking for use in the Marine and Leisure Industry.
It is environmentally friendly and a sustainable alternative to PVC synthetic teak.

Material Properties
Floteak is a Non Slip Decking Product that is always comfortable to walk on in any weather.
The Panels are Stain Resistant and Practically Maintenance Free.
Fully UV stable.
Looks like Teak Decking.
IMO Certified
It is both Resistant to impact and Flexible to work with. Other beneficial properties include Thermal Insulation reducing condensation with in the Boat and Sound Insulation properties reducing that unwanted Engine Noise. The material is also Lightweight for easy transportatation.

Decking Panels
Floteak is sold in bespoke panels produced from a template. The template may be a more traditional physical template that is converted to a machine file for CNC routering or manufactured from a manufacturers CAD drawing file. Generally a cardboard or plastic check template is machined to test that the product is machined correctly and loose laid aboard the boat before machining the Floteak product. This method lends itself to fully margined deck panels.
Flooring Rolls
Floteak is sold in 1 metre wide 6mm or 8mm thick sheets with caulking grooves running the full length of the Roll. This lends itself to unmargined panels that can be cut to shape off the roll.
Decking Strips
We supply Decking Strips 45mm and 120mm wide and 10 metres long that can be used by Fitters to Fabricate Swept Decks on Boats using Floteak.

Where to Use Floteak?
Cockpits and other popular uses
Sailboat Cockpit Seating – because Floteak is softer to sit on and does not get hot
Steel Barges – because Floteak has superb insulating properties that reduces condensation
Boats in Hot Climates – because Floteak is cool to walk on
Floteak is not restricted to Boats. It is great for many other applications such as Cruise Ship Decks and Swimming Pool Surrounds.
Floteak Composite Deck Panels
Using templates – Panels are fabricated to the correct shape using a CNC machine. Decks are machined and caulked in the normal way..
Decking Solutions – Unmargined and Margined
We supply Sheet Material with Caulking Grooves along the length. This is particularly useful for Simple Unmargined DIY installation for both small Cockpits to larger areas such as Swimming Pools or Commercial Ships Decks. Simple Unmargined Panels can be created by cutting to shape with a Stanley Knife, fitting and caulking. This is a simple DIY decking solution which any competent Fitter could undertake.
More Complex Margined Panels can be Fabricated using Planking Strips that we also supply, The Planking Strips are 45mm with a 5mm step or a 125mm Kingplank section. These can be built up to produce a Fully Swept Sailboat Deck or used as Margin Borders to simple Panel Shapes.

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